This article will go through a list of ten things that you can do to improve your privacy that will cost you little to no money and can be accomplished in the near future.
Let’s say that you find a GPS Tracker on your car what should you do? Can you put a GPS Tracker on your own Car? Can you put a GPS Tracker on a Work Vehicle if your the owner?
You have heard that Google and Facebook can track you across the internet but how do they do that? This is a very entry level explanation of that using everyday terms.
OG is back and in this installment he shares some riot survival hacks that can keep you safe in these crazy times. Please like, subscribe and SHARE this video with 10,000 of your closest friends!
Take a peek into OG’s truck and see some options for securing your pistols and rifles without investing in expensive junk. Don’t forget to like, subscribe and tell 10,000 of your closest friends. Be safe out there!
Hop in with OG as he takes a road trip to the Pacific Northwest and drops some travel knowledge bombs on you. Meet some of the family and find out why OG’s trailer reeks of marijuana! Toss some gas money in the cup holder if you don’t mind.
In this tribute video Officer Gregg goes over some things that will help keep you safe if you are ever stopped by the police, with or without a concealed pistol.
While watching the video of the LA County Sheriff’s Deputies being ambushed last week, I began to wonder just how safe the average person was inside the average car when gunfire erupts around them. The results might surprise you. Stay tuned after the “outro” to learn about the ghastly wound sustained while filming this video. You guys be safe out there, these are crazy times.