A New Phone Spy Tool? The IMU

A New Phone Spy Tool? The IMU

Here comes a new tracking device once again misused for evil purposes. The Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) was initially developed for phones to allow for immersive games where you tilt and twist and shake the phone as game input. Then it moved it to being used for fitness by tracking the amount of physical activity you do and count your steps. But no sensor goes unobserved by the evil ones who will take advantage of these to track your every move.

Find out what the IMU sensor can do and how it can affect you. Find out how this can be evaded or if it can be evaded at all.

Linux Phone vs. De-Googled Android AOSP – Which is better for Privacy?

Linux Phone vs. De-Googled Android AOSP - Which is better for Privacy?

There are two options to get some privacy when using mobile phones. These are Linux Phones and AOSP (De-Googled) Phones. Which are better?

These two types of devices operate on different privacy principles and this video gets into how one type of device deals with data exclusion while the other approach deals with data disinformation.

Linux Phones can be Ubuntu Touch (Nexus 5, Oneplus One), Pinephone (Ubuntu Touch, Debian/Phosh, Nemo/Sailfish, etc.), Librem 5 (Phosh, Ubuntu Touch) and many new ones coming out soon.

AOSP (De-googled) include LineageOS with No GAPPS, /e/ Foundation. GrapheneOS, and my own BraxROM. These are all fine. They just use different devices. All have no Google on them and are built in a similar way.